A host of new Russian TV series have children and/or teenagers in the lead roles as cinema is putting more faith in young actor and actresses to carry the bulk of, or a big part of the spotlight of the show.
Here are some series to check out that put kids venter stage.
1. “The Last Knight. Legacy”
Последний богатырь. Наследие
“20 years have passed since Ivan married Vasilisa. Now he is 50, he has two growing daughters – the heroine Marya and the sorceress Sophia. It is on their shoulders that the protection of Belogorye falls. Marya will have to fight evil in the most magical city, and Sophia will go to the Moscow of the past to the young and still unsuspecting Ivan.”
2. “Daddy’s Daughters. New”
Папины дочки. Новые
“An old story in a new way. Venik became a father of many children, who was abandoned by his wife Dasha on the eve of another wedding anniversary. He shouldered the responsibility for four daughters, for whom he will become a father, a friend, and at the same time a mother. The cheerful Vasnetsov family comes to the aid of the single father in the form of aunts, great-grandmother, grandmother and an incomparable and experienced in such matters grandfather.”
3. “Aunt Martha”
Тетя Марта
“Eight-year-old Marta has too many adult problems: she needs to look after her grandfather, go to school, take care of herself and not tell anyone about her difficult situation, so as not to end up in an orphanage. Added to the problems is her greedy guardian Marat, who dreams of a capital city apartment, and her twin sister Yulia, whom Marta did not know about before.”
4. “Curious Barbara”
Любопытная Варвара
“Varvara Smorodina is a ten-year-old child prodigy who loves Agatha Christie’s detective stories and dreams of becoming a detective like her grandfather. Arriving in the village on vacation, she has no time to be bored: many mysterious crimes are committed around her, which she must solve together with her new friend, the naive boy Vasya.”
5. “Many Children”
“Pavel is the father of many children of the Gerasimov family, works as an architect, lives in a small apartment with his wife and five children. He had the opportunity to deceive other families to improve their living conditions, but instead he and his whole family went to his native village to build a dream house. Of course, not all the children were happy to leave the metropolis.”
6. “South”
“A boy named Yug is raised by his grandmother. His mother died when he was very young, and he never saw his father. On his birthday, Yug discovers money that his father regularly sent him and sets out to find him. Potential dads are scattered all over the country, so the teenager has a long and exciting journey ahead of him.”
7. “Crybaby”
“Masha is a schoolgirl from Moscow. She moved to a provincial town with her parents and went to study at a local school. But the capital girl was not welcomed warmly: Masha immediately became a victim of bullying with the nickname “Crybaby”, and even with sympathy for the guy of the school “star” Chris. Music helps her cope with the negativity and unfair treatment: Masha puts together her own musical group.”
8. “Everything is OK”
Все ОК
“Ilya is a guide-translator from St. Petersburg, who is used to hiding his feelings behind quotes. He does not trust people, preferring to show his emotions only to historical figures, about whom he knows everything. But his introverted bachelor life ends when he becomes the sole guardian of his younger sisters. He will have to reconsider his whole life and attitude to the world and, finally, grow up.”
9. “Manyunya”
“Narine and Manyunya are best friends. They constantly come up with new adventures that lead to strange and funny situations. But after another fun, there comes a time to return home and punishment from the strict Ba – Manyunya’s grandmother. But no punishment will make the girls leave their fun life and allow at least one minute without mischief.”
10. “Deniskiny Stories”
Денискины рассказы
“A six-year-old grandson named Denis is brought to his grandfather. Every day, the grandfather tells his grandson stories about a peer of Deniska’s who lived in a different era. Intrigued by the boy’s adventures, the grandson sets off on a fascinating journey into the past. And despite the time difference, both the boy and Deniska are united by a thirst for adventure, curiosity, and love for the world in which children live.”